Are You Training Your Dog To Fail?

Let’s talk about different types of dog training and why one is always more successful than the others. Growing, puppy Jett is mastering his house manners. As an adolescent, working line German Shepherd who loves affection and play, he has a strong desire to greet and interact with guests. An overly social puppy is a great problem to have, if you know how to properly teach manners.

So how do we handle a parade of visitors coming through the front door (in this case our trainer’s club students)?

Nearly all dog trainers and many dog owners would attempt to use obedience commands like sit, down, leave it, park it (place) in an attempt to control their dog’s excitable behavior. Other dog owners would start to punish their dog for jumping up, barking, or being impolite with loud NO’s or noise makers designed to startle the dog into stopping. Still others would try to use high value treats to capture their dog’s attention and (hopefully) keep the focus on you.

But all of those are flawed training systems.

To find the real solution, you have to understand the problem. Why is your dog excited when people come over? For social dogs, a visitor at the door means petting, attention, affection, and sometimes even treats! That combination of amazing rewards is pretty irresistible to a lot of dogs and causes them to get into a high energy, low impulse control state of mind.

So if you are practicing a pattern of having guests immediately interact with your dog and then expecting your dog to be able to follow obedience commands, calmly take treats, or respond to your loud NO’s, you’re setting them up to fail. It’s like giving a kid 3 cupcakes and a soda and then asking them to sit still. It just doesn’t work that way!

So what does work?

Since you now know the source of your dog’s rude behavior is getting too excited about having company over, how about changing your dog’s expectations about what happens when guests arrive?? For puppy Jett, he has seen friendly faces come in the door time and time again who ignore him for the first 15 minutes of their stay.

This gives Jett time to settle and reduce his over excited behavior so that when it’s time to interact with friends, he makes appropriate choices all on his own. Rather than trying to battle against Jett’s excitability by asking him to preform sit stays or park its, we choose instead to reward a calm state of mind where Jett naturally offers the behavior we want.

This is the difference in Tug Dogs training philosophy.

Our trainers work hard to give you real training solutions that take into consideration your dog’s point of view and experiences to ensure training sets both of you up to be successful. With just a few days of practice, Jett is now silent when the door bell rings and simply sniffs and wags his tail at guests but then chooses to grab a toy and lay down on a dog bed instead of barking and jumping at them wildly.

Want your dog to be like Jett? Start considering what you are teaching him or her to expect when people come over and if you run into trouble, give us a call. Our skilled trainers can help you develop a plan to ensure your dog is a well behaved family member.

Gambling With Your Dog’s Well Being

Your dog’s genetics and past life experiences are not in your control. But the experiences they are having, and will continue to have, are. What kind of choices are you making for your dog?

Let’s start with some perspective about how your dog sees the world around them. Living with human beings often means dogs get to make few choices about their well being. Stop and think about your own dog…do they decide where they live? Who they meet? How they are greeted by strangers? Which dogs they get to interact with or choose to avoid? Where they can move their bodies if they are feeling stressed or unsafe?

The reality is, we have to use leashes, walls, and fences for dogs to fit into modern living but it leaves them with little opportunity to make decisions about their own safety. In actuality, they are relying on YOU to make choices that will help them to have positive experiences as they interact with the world around them.

If you are simply letting situations around your dog occur and hoping they will play out positively, you could very well be gambling with your dog’s well being.

Often dog owners only pay attention to what physically affects their dog. Overlooking your dog’s mental safety is a huge mistake that can easily lead to fearful, aggressive, or anxious behavior.  Sadly, I often hear owners recounting stories of their dogs being charged by off leash dogs or having unsafe dog to dog interactions.  When those stories result in no physical damage, they are regularly brushed aside as if they no longer count.

But they count to your dog. You see, he or she has just learned (or reaffirmed) that at any moment, with little warning and no option to escape, they may subject to a terrifying attack.

And what have you, your dog’s source of safety and stability, demonstrated during these scary moments? Are you prepared to handle the situation and able to keep your dog mentally and physically safe? Does your response instill calm, confidence to a stressed out dog?  Do you watch your dog’s behavior when they start to communicate their discomfort and take action?

If you’re in charge of your dog’s safety and you’re not taking active steps to ensure that they are put in safe situations, you’re definitely gambling with your dog’s well being. And you’re losing. Or rather, your dog is losing.

The good news is, whether you are guilty of behavior gambling or just have a fearful, aggressive, or anxious dog, you can turn things around. In fact, that’s exactly what we do here at Tug Dogs with our customized training treatment plans. We go WAY out of our way to ensure that dogs have positive experiences with us that inspire trust and confidence in our ability to keep them safe. And you can too.

Here are a few common sense tips to consider:

  1. If you don’t know how a situation is likely to turn out, avoid it. See an unknown dog walking down the street? Don’t let the dogs meet (and certainly not face to face). Sure your dog might briefly get to meet a friend. But your dog might also get their first terrifying experience of dog on dog aggression. And dog on dog aggression is like virus. Read the dog aggression virus blog here:
  2. Are you unsure about how your dog feels about cats? Kids? Bikes? Etc… Then don’t just push them into those experiences and hope for the best. Take control by doing slow introductions, making sure to carefully watch your dog for signs of discomfort. If your dog seems concerned, stop and contact a quality trainer for assistance.
  3. Want to bring your dog into a busy environment while secretly knowing it makes them uncomfortable? This one’s easy…just don’t do it.
  4. Hosting a party with a shy, anxious, or aggressive dog at home? I’m hoping by now you’re getting the hang of this! Have a safe plan for your dog such as being secured in a quiet bedroom with an activity (like a stuffed kong) so that he or she doesn’t have a stressful time.
  5. Bringing home a new dog? Don’t let your existing dog rush up and give a potentially scary or confrontational greeting. Let the new dog get comfortable with your surroundings and then introduce the dogs with an on leash walk, where you have more control of what happens. (This is an area where hiring a skilled trainer can make a world of difference and I highly recommend you do so to prevent problems from occurring).

The truth is, loving your dog and being a capable leader who can keep your dog safe are two entirely different things. This is why we devote SO much time in our training treatment plans not just to working with dogs but also in working with dog owners to develop their skills in keeping their dog mentally and physically safe..

Whether you have a dog who is struggling with serious behavior challenges or you’re one of those amazing (and smart) people who seeks training BEFORE a problem has the chance to occur, get in touch with Tug Dogs today. We can help coach you and train your dog so that you can live better together.



The Dog Aggression Virus

Tug Dogs owner Erin likes to say that dog on dog aggression (including leash reactivity) is like a virus. Once a dog is exposed to it, they are much more likely to develop symptoms themselves and pass the illness along. And it seems more and more dogs are becoming “infected.”

So just how does that happen?

Most dog owners (and even many dog trainers) don’t realize that an overwhelming amount of dog aggression stems from fear instead of confidence. But what makes dogs fearful in the first place?

Let’s look at it from your dog’s point of view. If your dog has never experienced another dog aggressively barking, lunging, or attacking them, the chances that they will feel the need to protect themselves with their own display of aggressive behavior is very low.

Dogs who have only had positive experiences aren’t even aware they are in potential danger and will treat every new dog approaching as a friend…if that’s all they know.
But that all changes as your dog has new experiences such as being aggressively barked at, lunged towards, and rushed by other dogs. In these moments, your dog learns that not all other dogs are safe and that they are unable to run away because they are tied to you!

Even worse, many dogs learn that the humans they are attached to, lack the understanding or skills to respond appropriately in these scary situations and thus they must protect themselves by any means necessary.

Your dog has now learned how dangerous the world is and what little ability they have to keep themselves safe. Violence is often the only resource available to a scared and vulnerable dog who is unable to flee.

Keep in mind that even if your dog does not sustain a bite from another dog, that doesn’t mean that mentally they haven’t experienced trauma. The first time your puppy or dog learns that at any moment an off leash dog could appear suddenly and present a threat to their safety, for example,can leave a deep and lasting impact on how they see the world.

The resulting trauma that is carried is the spread of the dog aggression infection. In a dire effort to keep themselves safe, many dogs will start to display unprovoked aggression towards other dogs they encounter as their stress and fear boils over into panic. Which each new dog your dog reacts to, you are likely spreading the infection further as other dogs learn they too are not safe.

So what can you do?

First off, investing in preventative training with a skilled dog trainer like the team at Tug Dogs, is the best vaccine you can give your dog for avoiding problem behaviors.

Our trainers can help guide you through the experience of how to handle dogs barking and lunging at your dog in a safe and effective manner. Rather than your dog learning you are useless in keeping them safe, your dog can instead take comfort in the fact that you have the skills needed to provide for their mental and physical well being. Rather than trying to desperately keep themselves safe with violent outbursts, they will look to you to handle the situation.

This is exactly the training we provide to our “role model” dogs like Ruby and Cassie who work with dog aggressive dogs daily. How can they do it without lashing out in a need to protect themselves? It’s simple…trainer Erin has rightfully earned their trust by showing them time and time again she can handle scary situations so they don’t have to worry. And with one on one sessions together, we can teach you and your dog to have this relationship too.

What if your dog is already infected?

Just like with a real infection, the sooner we see your dog after they have been exposed, the better. Addressing trauma and teaching you how to avoid it and handle it better will help your dog become a more confident, happy, and stress free companion.

Our goal at Tug Dogs is always to teach both you and your dog so that you can work together as a team and build a closer bond. When your dog trusts you, they don’t feel the need to be aggressive which makes life so uch more enjoyable for you both.

It’s simply not enough to love your dog, you also must be able to keep them safe if you want them to behave well and live comfortably with you.

Where can I get help?

If you can’t get to Tug Dogs to work with our highly experienced trainers, we still have some advice to help you find a local professional.

It’s important to note that dog training is a totally UNREGULATED industry. That means there are no educational or ethical standards in place. No one is making sure your trainer knows what they are doing except you. It’s up to you to ensure you are working with a skilled trainer who will not put your dog in jeopardy and will not waste your time and money.

We suggest searching for established trainers with positive reviews and references. In addition, spend time talking with your dog’s trainer prior to signing up and ask lots of questions.

A great dog trainer is always happy to provide you with lots of information about how they train and what their treatment plan is for your dog’s specific needs.

Stop spreading the virus!

Exposing your dog to the terrible illness of dog on dog aggression is a choice. Tug Dogs trainers can help coach you through how to “vaccinate” and “treat” the epidemic of dog aggression so that you and your dog can live your best lives together.

To get started, contact us today.



Active Ignoring…what is it and how to get started?

Active ignoring is exactly what it sounds like, it’s making a choice to actively ignore your dog when they are pushy, demanding, hyperactive, or over stimulated. By interacting with your dog on YOUR terms, you teach them that you are in charge of when affection and attention are given. This way you end up rewarding calm and polite behaviors instead of rude ones. Active ignoring doesn’t mean you don’t give your dog all the love, attention, and cuddles you both love. It just means you time them to ensure you are the one offering those wonderful exchanges.

Active ignoring is great for dogs who are high energy, demanding, pushy, or needy. Encouraging your dog to occupy themselves appropriately can be a wonderful thing and sets your relationship off on the right foot. As an added bonus, it often stops “velcro dogs” from continuing to develop separation anxiety as well as stops dogs who are pushy to play from invading your space. Dogs who are calm and mellow do not require active ignoring.

Step one is to be very aware of what behaviors you are rewarding (yes you speaking with your dog, petting, them or otherwise interacting with them is a reward!). If your dog is acting too hyper, jumping up, nudging you, barking at you, pawing at you, constantly bringing you toys etc….that’s a good time to simply show (with action instead of words) that you will not engage with them. Don’t speak to them, simply turn your body away and show you will not be forced to interact. At first they may get frustrated, but when they eventually give in, that’s a great time to call them over and give them affection. And don’t forget that you also get to decide not only when the interaction starts, but also when it stops!

For those dogs out there who love life and want to demand a lot of your focus and attention it’s not about denying them what they crave. Instead, it’s simply teaching them that good manners get them what they want. The more your dog’s demanding for attention works, the more they will continue to be pushy! So think carefully about instead rewarding calm and patient behavior in your pup!